As industry leading innovators, LumiraDx have developed a next-generation point of care Platform, that is transforming community-based healthcare.
Our technology provides fast, high performance and accessible diagnostic solutions at the point of need.
Back in December 2021, they took delivery of 20 x Powertxt units to provide immediate power loss alerts as many of their buildings in Motherwell are unmanned and have medical fridges and freezers with effectively ‘priceless’ materials.
We received a call from one of their engineering managers in January stating that over the Christmas holiday whilst watching TV with his children, he suddenly received a ‘power loss’ text from one of the Powertxt units.
He knew this building was unmanned and contained within the various fridges was over £1,000,000 worth of irreplaceable samples. On receipt of that simple immediate text he was able to go to site and fix the power issue saving not only the day but a whole lot more for the company.
We have all come home or to work to see an LED clock flashing indicating there has been a power cut, but do we know when and for how long? Powertxt solves this buy sending ‘power lost’ & ‘power restored’ instant texts so you not only know when the power went off but for how long. This can be vital for not only medical fridges but fridges/freezers that store food as after 4 hours, food should not be refrozen for health reasons.
Even in the most up to date ‘state of the art’ cloud data centre, one Powertxt on each power feed will give you quicker ‘power loss’ alerts than any IP solution. As most IT hardware has dual power, you won’t always know if you have lost a feed as the 2 nd feed is still up. Powertxt is also ideal for giving you an early heads up your A/c may not be working correctly with temperature alerts via min/max thresholds.
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